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Hi, I’m Puujaa Kukreja - Lifestyle Nutritionist.

I am a nutritionist who loves food, yoga, traveling and exploring food wherever I go!


I believe that what we eat, what we think and how we live has an incredible influence on our entire being – physical, mental & emotional.


There are a few concepts I believe in which I would love to share with you so you understand my ideology when it comes to food and well-being.

Puujaa Kukreja - Lifestyle Nutritionist

My Philosophy

Food is not calories, food is not bad, unhealthy, good, junk or something we can put a label to. All of these are your perception of food. Each and every one of us has a unique body constitution and based on how our body processes each kind of food, we develop our associations with food. Respecting this bio-individuality and working according to it, is what helps keep your body and mind in harmony.


KEEP IT REAL – Eating foods in their most natural forms and those which actually make you feel good. Jumping on to the latest fads and trending foods doesn’t work for all. Listen to your body, how you feel AFTER you eat is more important than how you feel WHILE you eat.


I really feel food is one of the ways to nourish your entire being. While eating sensibly and happily can make you feel great, eating against your body and with guilt or anger can make you feel miserable. Every emotion affects the way your body processes food, which is why I strongly believe, whatever you eat it should be with pleasure, without any guilt. Using food as reward or punishment only creates disharmony and that is where a whole lot of diseases and disorders stem from!



Expecting yourself to stay on track 24/7, 365 days is highly unrealistic. If you eat well for the most part, and stick to your work outs 80-85% of the times, allowing yourself to indulge and let loose for the rest of it is absolutely justified. More than that, it is also needed to strike a balance! So while it's important to stay on track, overdoing it can kill the joy from everything you do!

My Process

With over a decade of experience in the wellness field and a list of clientele from various walks of life all over the globe, I work with clients to help them better their lifestyle to achieve sustainable wellness and fat-loss goals.


While working with my clients, I try my best to educate them about how to plan their meals, by selecting foods that work best for their gut and what their body (and mind) can digest and assimilate, as that is a key aspect of long term health.


The goal is to leave each and every client with an expertise to walk their way to perfect health of mind and body.

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