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What you’re craving vs What it means?

Cravings for specific foods could be an indication of a deficiency in a micro or macro nutrient. So once you understand what your cravings signify, you could include those nutrients in your diet and pre-empt cravings rather than reaching out for that bar of chocolate or packet of chips!

1) Chocolate cravings

A craving for chocolate could indicate a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is an essential mineral and is required for over 300 enzyme reactions in the body. Since cacao is considered the food with the highest amount of magnesium per gram, it comes as no surprise that chocolate is the first thing we reach for when we encounter such a deficiency. Foods that could help you meet your magnesium requirement include avocados, spinach, dark chocolate or cacao, pumpkin seeds, bananas, tofu, peanuts, sunflower seeds, oats. 

2) Salty food cravings

A craving for Salty foods is usually due to a deficiency of electrolytes and minerals in the body. This could probably happen due to over hydration or dehydration. If you find yourself reaching out for that bag of chips or samosa ever evening, check your water intake. If it’s low then include coconut water, nimbu pani, banana, citrus fruits, cucumber in the first half of your day! If you’re over hydrating with plain water, then reduce the water intake and include the above foods instead!

3) Sweet cravings

If you find yourself reaching out for sweets or sugary foods too often, you’re probably deficient in protein and minerals like Zinc n chromium. Often sugar cravings are needed when you need a boost of energy. That is because your cells are starved of energy and need an instant supply of energy. Protein, zinc and chromium all play a crucial role in transport of nutrients into your cells and better uptake of glucose by cells thereby ensuring your cells are not starved of energy.

Foods high in zinc include pumpkin seeds, cashews, eggs, chickpeas, whole grains, kidney beans, meat.

Foods rich in chromium - broccoli, Brazil nuts, whole wheat, meat, shellfish.

4) Fried food cravings

Fried foods are a rich in fat, but definitely not the kind of fat your body needs. Craving fried foods often could signify a lac of essential fatty acids like omega 3. To pre-empt these cravings include more foods rich in omega 3 such as fatty fish (surmai, rohu, mackerel, rawas, pomfret), walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, brussel sprouts, hemp seeds.


Working on the underlying deficiency, helps beat the cravings and also improves your overall health because of the addition of a variety of wholesome nutrient dense foods!


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